Religious Education

Religious Education

You cannot be strong in your faith if you do not know your faith. Here at St. Anthony Catholic Church, we are committed to teaching the faith. To accomplish this, we have partnered with two of our sister parishes, Holy Rosary and St. Anne’s, to offer a comprehensive religious education program to help parents raise their children in the Catholic faith. We also have many opportunities for adults to continue their faith formation. For more information or to register, please contact Dianne Jones at 262-515-6178, Alan Padlock at 262-515-4363 or the Parish Office at 262-652-1844.

General Guidelines

It is important for students to attend Religious Education classes, with illness or serious family difficulties being the only exceptions. No other activities – sports or leisure – should be viewed as more important. Children learn their priorities from the example of adults. If a child misses three consecutive classes or shows any erratic attendance patterns, the parents will be contacted to discuss how to ensure that the child will be able to move on to the next level the following year.


It is important that all students do their best to be well-behaved and cooperative. The students are to display and expect fair treatment. Courtesy and respect should be shown at all times. The general guideline is do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Specific rules will be set by the teachers and discussed at the beginning of each year.


Parents and guardians are expected to pick up students on time at the end of Religious Education activities. Parents of first graders should pick up their child at the classroom.

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