RCIA is the process by which an adult person is initiated into the Catholic Church, through Baptism, Confirmation, and First Holy Communion. Through this process the adult is formed in the Christian faith, with the local parish community serving as both catechists and models.

RCIA is also the process by which adults may attain “full communion” with the Catholic Church. This means that adults in the following status may participate in the RCIA process:

  • Unbaptized adults
  • Adults baptized in non-Trinitarian formula
  • Adults baptized as Catholic, but lack First Holy Communion and Confirmation
  • Adults baptized & confirmed infants in the Catholic Church, but lack First Holy Communion
  • Adults baptized in other Christian Churches, in the Trinitarian formula w/water

Adults that have been away from the church will also benefit from participation in this process. These persons will find participation in this process to be both informative and spiritually enlightening.

New classes start each Fall!

For more information or to register contact the parish office at 262-652-1844 or email office@stanthonykenosha.org

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